• Post category:INSIGHT news

After several months of work on the Insight project, the training material and the five modules that make up the Industrial Symbiosis Facilitator course are finally complete. While it is not yet available online on the e-learning platform (but it will be soon!), we already want to give a glimpse of this content! 

Therefore, the consortium produced introductory video presentation that will allow you to discover the key content of each module. They are accessible on the YouTube Channel of the Insight project. Those videos were produced by the different partners, and aim at introducing the main concepts that will be covered in the whole course. You’ll be able to understand the course structure, and how each module will develop the content. Finally you will get the information about the technical modalities regarding the credits allocated and the time needed for each learning module.

On the channel, you will thus find the five following videos :

  • Module 1 – Industrial Symbiosis theory, concepts, and context 
  • Module 2 – Resource management 
  • Module 3 – Industrial Symbiosis Management 
  • Module 4 – Soft skills of Industrial Symbiosis 
  • Module 5 – IS case studies

But there is more ! 

The consortium has created for you a general video presenting the whole course, the project and the essential concepts of circular economy and industrial symbiosis. It is a quick and effective introduction to the global context of the Insight project and the challenges of this new economic model that the Insight consortium helps to promote.
Check it out:

We hope you’ll enjoy the learning, and do not forget : we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. 

Stay tuned for more up-to-date information.