Today we are experiencing what has come to be called the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0, in which digitalisation is one of its most important pillars, while at the same time we are on the verge of a green transition towards a decarbonised and environmentally friendly economy. 

This double transition or Twin Transition may be the key to decarbonising the economy and adopting a circular development model, transforming linear industrial value chains to minimise waste and pollution, making better use of the waste generated and guaranteeing environmental standards.

Digitalisation can go further than is currently planned by facilitating the shift to circularity. 

AI, blockchain, digital twins and digital design are key to Industrial Symbiosis and scalable circular manufacturing, further reducing industrial resource and energy use, thereby mitigating other costly and risky CO2 abatement technologies.
Digital manufacturing also facilitates reduced use phase emissions.
Technologies, such as robotics and additive manufacturing, allow designers greater freedoms to create products that emit less CO2 during their use (and re-use), and more value creation across the whole value chain, including wide based manufacturers.

Are companies prepared for this twin transition? What enables they need?