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The INSIGHT partnership is an effective combination of various organizations, having complementary roles in the project and bringing different expertise related to Industrial Symbiosis (IS), Circular Economy (CE), project management, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as well as business innovation. All partners except SYM have been already working in currently or past Erasmus+ projects.

The project coordinator, Ecores SPRL (ECORES) is a Brussels-based consultancy specializing in sustainability applied to organizations and territories. ECORES assists companies, territorial agencies and governmental bodies to implement sustainable policies and strategies. ECORES leads the activities related to the project key study (identification of case studies, definition of skills and competences needed related to Industrial Symbiosis, etc.) which are framed in the IO1 of INSIGHT project. In addition, they collaborate actively in the development of the rest of outputs of the project (preparation of training material, blueprint validation, etc.) as well as in dissemination activities due to its perfect geographical location.

Símbiosy (SYM) is a consultancy company located in Barcelona, acting as a facilitator in Industrial Symbiosis projects, providing municipalities with the tools and the methodology to implement circular economy strategies and identify synergies among key stakeholders within a network. Simbiosy will mainly contribute to the development of the training material. They are one of the Consortium partners with more experience in the preparation of training courses related to circular economy and concretely in Industrial Symbiosis at VET and HE level, so they will be in charge of coordinating partners in order to develop an innovative training content. They will collaborate in the preparation and validation of the blueprint (IO4) and in all the activities in which they could contribute according to its experience in designing policy frameworks.

Styrian Technology Park (STP) is a public non-profit business support organization, based in Podravje region, Slovenia. STP acts as the Regional Centre for Technology Development (RCTR), pursuing technological and innovative research and development sphere among/ with different target groups and topics. According to STP previous experiences in other Erasmus + projects and its Educational orientation/support tasks that they used to carry out with SMEs, they lead the activities of the first output related with the definition of the Joint Curriculum and its validation, cooperate in the disseminations tasks and contribute to the project quality assurance.

Technological Centre of Furniture and Wood of the Region of Murcia (CETEM) is a non-profit scientific research and training organisation located in the south east of Spain. CETEM contributes actively towards the social economic development of companies by providing support and encouraging processes of technology innovation and development, such as strategies of competitiveness in the business environment and training programmes. The CETEM main role is to coordinate the Quality Assurance Management of INSIGHT. They are also in charge of developing the e-learning platform and for contributing to the key study and later Joint Curriculum preparation and validation as well as in the Blueprint.

The National Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption (CNPCD), is a not for profit organization, located in the western region of Romania. The main objectives of the organisation are to create awareness among businesses regarding the need for increasing resources efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of their operations, to build capacity for companies in eco-innovation, provide information and support business sector to identify eco-innovative solutions to improve their products and services. According to its experience, CNPCD takes part in the development of IO1, concretely in the key study on general needs identifying relevant literature and national success and contributes to the Joint Curriculum definition and the RECP training material development. CNPCD leads the last output of the project, the development of a blueprint of Industrial Symbiosis for policy recommendations.

Sistemi Formativi Confindustria (SFC), located in Italy, is a consortium that designs and coordinates training, research, and technical assistance in national and EU projects. SFC main aim is to build the management culture and process innovation within the enterprise system for SMEs and for the Public Administration. SFC is responsible for developping a piloting phase of the training path, emerging from the project and addressed to the role of Industrial Symbiosis Facilitator, enhance the dissemination and exploitation of the results achieved in the INSIGHT project and develop the blueprint of Industrial Symbiosis.