• Post category:INSIGHT news

Within the last 5 months of implementation, the INSIGHT Consortium has been working on the selection of best cases of Industrial Symbiosis within their own countries, but also at the EU level, with the scope to identify current skills, knowledge and qualifications. Such activity was carried out alongside the involvement of 60 stakeholders, who were asked to answer a survey and provide some feedback on how they have approached Industrial Symbiosis within their institutional and/or business activities. The result led to the INSIGHT analysis report, soon to be available on our website.

What comes next?

The INSIGHT partners are now looking forward to the next phase: based on the key findings within the best cases, feedback and recommendations from our stakeholders, in the next 6 months the Consortium will work on three main activities:

  • They will define learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, specific skills and competences related to Industrial Symbiosis;
  • Based on the learning outcomes, a training path and methodology will be outlined, with different modules and units, and for each of them duration, weighting, etc. will be defined in accordance with the different target groups that the INSIGHT is addressing;
  • The training path and methodology will be validated within a Joint Curriculum, where stakeholders will be consulted in order to finalise it. Once the Joint Curriculum is finalised, the INSIGHT Consortium will move forward and start with the active development of the training materials.

Stay tuned for more up-to-date information.